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React Navigation

The most popular library for navigation is React Navigation. In version 5 it offers the following 3 types of navigation:

  1. Drawer: Menu that comes out from left or right
  2. Tab: Either top or bottom tab navigation
  3. Stack: Transitions from one screen to the next and back to the previous screen
  4. Switch: Only ever show one screen at a time (no back action by default)

When you use version 4 then you have to add additional libraries for stack and tab navigation.

Installation see React Native Docs.

Nesting Navigation Layouts

We can easily compose our navigators like so:

// our imports
const switchNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({
loginFlow: createStackNavigator({
Signup: SignupScreen,
Signin: SigninScreen,
mainFlow: createBottomTabNavigator({
blogFlow: createStackNavigator({
BlogList: BlogListScreen,
BlogDetail: BlogDetailsScreen
BlogCreate: BlogCreateScreen


To be able to navigate you need the navigation object. It get automatically passed as prop to each screen that you have wired up. If you need it in a (distant) component and you don't want ot pass the prop all the way down then you get access to the navigation prop by wrapping your component-export with withNavigation. E.g.

import { TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
import { withNavigation } from "react-navigation";

const SomeComponent = ({navigation}) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate('SomeScreen')}>

export default withNavigation(SomeComponent);

You can pass params to the navigate-function, as so: navigation.navigate('ResultsShow', { id:})}. And you access it via navigation.getParam like that: const id = navigation.getParam('id');.

You can use NavigationEvents to trigger code in certain situations (it's like a hook, but as a component). First, import via import { NavigationEvents } from 'react-navigation';. Second chose the appropriate hook and use it in your JSX, e.g. <NavigationEvents onWillBlur={ clearErrorMessage }/>.


If you want to run code once a screen gets the focus you can alternatively use withNavigationFocus like so: export default withNavigationFocus(MyScreen); By doing so, your screen will get access to the prop isFocused, e.g const MyScreen = ({ isFocused }) => {...}. This is useful when a component of the screen has to do something based on whether it is focused or not. The screen can simply pass this prop down or use in a function call.